Why You Should Drink TWRL Milk Tea

If you’re the type of person who loves going to get boba at your local boba shop but also worried about over-doing it on the calories then you’re in luck!

TWRL Milk Tea is changing your milk tea drinking habits by providing you a healthier option.

See our taste test and review by watching the video below!

Video Transcript

What sets TWRL Milk Tea apart is that we were looking for milk teas that are healthier options because I particularly don’t like to drink too many of my calories, but we do enjoy these drinks all the time. It’s fun to go support other local boba shops.

But at the same time, we do want to be at least somewhat conscious of our help and not treat ourselves too often to something that’s really high in sugar. And this was a great alternative. And the the interesting thing is that it was one of the few times I bought something off of social media. I was targeted with one of these ads.

This is a fairly new startup, and they were promoting that they were going to be launching. And it really caught my attention. And you know, I did a little bit of research to see, you know, how I was targeted and the, the company was targeting people who were interested in tea, veganism, ages 22 to 50 and are in this 626 area apparently.

And that’s how we discovered this. I was really interested in it and I purchased it and we have the sampler pack, which just released recently in. And we received ours earlier this week. Yeah. So TWRL milk tea promotes itself as organic fair trade brew tea. It has way less sugar. It has nut-free, plant-based milk.

No additional flavoring, no gmo, and it’s gluten-free and low carb. So these are the three flavors right here. This one is the original black premium milk tea, and this one is 45 calorie. This one right here is the Hoja child, roasted green tea, also 45 calories. And the third one here is slightly more in terms of calorie, and that is the supreme jasmine milk tea.

And that’s 50 calories, all of which are very good options and much less unhealthy than your typical milk tea, which has much more sugar and much more additives at the same time. Yeah, and they all have caffeine. About 40 to 50. Milligrams of caffeine per can, and by comparison, a cup of coffee might have double the amount of that, and a Coke with coffee has slightly more than this.

I’ve been following this really closely because I was really excited to receive this and I’ve been following their newsletters and recently they had a interview with the ceo, Pauline.

And I was really interested in learning more about the story behind the brand and all that, and what they were saying or what the CEO was saying is that the first batch originally wasn’t as good because the process, which is called retort, is basically the process that goes through all consumer packaged goods where they have to basically cook the materials, or in this case the milk.

To kill off the bacteria and during that process it lowered the quality and the taste of the tea. And what she really wanted to do was not add additional items or ingredients to the tea to add to the flavor. She wanted to taste as natural as possible. And so that was part of the delay. One thing that we really do admire is that the quality was not sacrificed.

So I think we’re very excited to try these out and really interested in seeing how these taste. I think it’ll be really fun and interesting to try these out today. And the flavors sound really good too. Totally right up my alley. Mm-hmm. Are you ready for trying these out? I’m so ready because I am in need of some caffeine.

All right, so. We’re gonna try the original black premium Nitro infuse tea with milk first, so they use pea protein as their milk. I guess that free small thing. Milk . Oh, one thing we didn’t do is it says shake gently. Uh, we did chill it. Oops. There we go. Maybe we can swirl it a little.

It seems really light.

It definitely has that infused nitro flavor and smoothness into it. Definitely very, very, very low in sugar. Yeah. And it, it’s very heavy on the, the tea flavor. Like you can really taste that part of it. It does feel, have like a more premium feel to it. And like she said, that it’s not heavy on the. This is ideal for like a day to day milk, tea drinking.

Mm-hmm. for sure. Mm-hmm. . This is my first time having a pea protein milk based, I’m tasting kind of like a nuttiness. Mm-hmm. , like a natural nuttiness without having nuts in it. Very smooth. Honestly, though, not for me. I think because the P protein, I feel like the, it’s not like. Thick milk consistency is not as, like, doesn’t give you that original milk tea, like consistency when you’re drinking.

It is supposed to be like really creamy. I really enjoyed the smoothness from the Nitro, but I wish it was a little bit more thicker and I think oat milk would’ve been a better choice. I just wish that there was more body. Yeah. I think that’s the the best way to describe it is that it’s not that it tastes flat or anything.

I think that it needs a little bit more body and a little bit more boldness to the, the texture of the milk tea. It is very light because of the nitrol. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. This is definitely something for everybody that likes a little bit lighter taste without something feeling as heavy, but that’s the thing about this, and that does, as they say, make it taste very guilt-free.

Mm. So on that part, I think it hits a hundred percent. What do you give it out of? 10? Three. ? Three. Wow. I give this a 7.5 out of 10. Oh, out of 10. See, this is what happens when I don’t have caffeine. I can’t think out of 10. I give it a seven. Now onto the next one. Okay, hojicha Roasted green tea Premium.

Nitro infused tea with milk 45 calories. Shake it

ho chi cha if you didn’t, whoa. Don’t shake it like that. Yes. Hold you cha. If you didn’t know. It’s like a nutty roasted rice type flavor.

This is a green tea.

In terms of the color. It looks about the same, roughly? Mm-hmm. . Oh, you could definitely smell the roasted flavor in it. Smells amazing. This is, this is a really good tea for tea lovers, but if you’re like, not like a beginner tea lover, some people might not like the taste at first. Mm-hmm. . Okay. Here.

Oh, I love this. This one is, oh, it’s so good. Yeah, this one is really, really good. And then you get the, the hint of the roasted flavor at the end. Oh gosh. This is my favorite. I didn’t even, this one. Yeah, I haven’t able drink the green tea yet, but this is my favorite . This one is the tea. So strong. Mm-hmm.

Something I look for in every milk tea that I buy from like different boba shops. It’s really good. 10 out of 10. That’s 10 outta 10. That’s definitely get this one . Oh my gosh. But it is very light as well in the milk body texture and very smooth because of the nitro. Yeah. We. Yeah, this one has like that balance in terms of our preferences.

Mm-hmm. and at him. Yeah. Next we have the Supreme Jasmine Premium Nitro infused tea with milk. Shoot.

I’m scared.

Whoa, whoa.

The color looks a little bit darker in this one, but this is a green tea. Interesting. Interesting. It smells very green. Tea ish . Smells good. Go for it.

I like the tea flavor. The tea flavor stands out a lot, but I feel like you don’t get that full jasmine flavor because of that milk that they put in here. Mm. I feel like it, it kind of holds back the jasmine flavor a little bit. Like I wish it was more jasmine in your face, but I think the ho chicha with the ho Chicha, this milk really works because the ho Chicha is already kind of like roast.

And the pea milk is also gives you a little roasted flavor, so this roasted pea milk flavor kind of holds the jasmine flavor back. Mm-hmm. , if you’re a regular tea drinker, I think this one might be the one for you. Yeah. It’s very light. Mm-hmm. like, like all of them, they’re very light and smooth because of the nitro.

Mm-hmm. and light in sugar too. Light in sugar, definitely guilt-free tasting. And this is definitely something that is good as like a day to day milk tea. I think that’s the, the best takeaway from all of these. Definitely something that if you’re interested in drinking this daily, this works. Mm-hmm. , you know, you don’t wanna be drinking a big BBA milk tea every single morning.

I give it an eight out of 10. I also give this an eight outta 10. Very enjoyable. I like it a lot. So right now you can get twirl milk tea for an introduction. For $42 and after the sale ends, it’s gonna cost you $45 for the sampler pack. You can also get free shipping with it at the moment, and the one that we got is the 12 pack sampler, and we definitely recommend that one, so that way you can try all of them.

Yeah, and you can get free shipping with the code twirl ship, and we’ll put it right here and so it breaks it down to about three 50 per can if you get the 12 pack. And so this tea, we feel like it’s a really great alternative. If you want really missing your milk tea, I really wanna be more conscious about your health because you know, 2020 was a shit show.

So 2021 about taking care of yourself, right? We think it’s a really good product. It’s the history behind what they did to get you this product is. It’s organic, it’s guilt free. It’s very low in sugar.

It’s nitro, and their tea is sourced from very, very small, organic, multi-generational tea farmers, and I really love that they are so transparent with where they source their products from and they don’t hide the flavor of their drinks with like super sugary additives and stuff like that.

And I really love and appreciate their transparency. Also as an entrepreneur myself, I think being able to support companies like these and visions like these also helping out people who.

Small businesses themselves, you know, as these farmers are and really understanding the bigger picture. We definitely love supporting companies like this. Mm-hmm.

And we definitely think that you guys should too, because this is a great product. For sure. We hope you guys like this video. Let us know what you think about this drink if you decide to purchase it on your own, and we hope to see you next week in our next video.

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